Charity Donation
As part of the ‘Make it Zero’ safety competition which awards and recognises excellent safety performance within Southern Electric Contracting, Stoke Lighting Services recently donated £750 each to the County Air Ambulance and Motor Neurone Disease Association after achieving more than 4 years of accident free working.
Ben Sharpe, Corporate Fundraising Officer for MND thanked SEC for their donation. ‘Our work into care for those with MND or our research to bring us closer to our vision of a world free of MND could not continue without this kind of generosity.’
SEC New Business Manager Russell Anslow said “We are proud that our teams’ safe working has resulted in these gifts being made possible to such important charities.”(Pictures from Left to right: Claire Montford, SEC presenting the cheque to John Cookson from the County Air Ambulance and Russell Anslow, SEC presenting the cheque to Anita Mellor, SEC on behalf of the Motor Neurone Disease Association)
- Administrator